How to choose the perfect light fittings for shop

Store lighting is a key element that influences the customer experience, the aesthetics of the space and product sales. Properly designed lighting can enhance the appearance of products, create a pleasant atmosphere and direct customers' attention to specific products or parts of the store.

Different types of lighting are used in shops to achieve the optimum effect. General lighting provides basic light for orientation and safety. This is usually achieved by ceiling lights or LED panels, which ensure that the light is distributed evenly throughout the space. Directional lighting is intended to highlight specific products or areas, such as promotional products or display cases. This effect is achieved by spotlights or strip lights which can be adjusted and directed as required. Decorative lighting contributes to the aesthetics of the store and creates ambience, using wall lights, pendant lights or LED strips to match the design of the store. Lighting for functional purposes allows employees to perform their tasks efficiently, such as work lights at the cash desk or illuminating the stockroom.

To illuminate the shop effectively, it is advisable to use a combination of different types of lighting. Consider the colour of the light; warm light (2700-3000K) creates a cosy and homely feeling, while cool light (4000-5000K) gives a feeling of cleanliness and modernity. LED lights are energy efficient, have a long lifetime and offer a wide range of colours and light intensities. Adapt the lighting to the season and promotions, as changes in lighting according to the season or special offers can increase the appeal of the store. It is also important to avoid glare and shading and to make sure that the luminaires are not too bright and do not cast strong shadows that could distract shoppers.

With the right lighting, you can increase product visibility, create an attractive atmosphere and focus shoppers' attention on key selling points. Well-lit products are more attractive and more likely to attract the attention of customers. A pleasant and well-lit environment encourages shoppers to spend more time in the store, increasing the chances of a purchase. Directional lighting, on the other hand, can guide shoppers through the store and highlight key products or promotions. By planning and using different types of lighting correctly, you can improve the customer experience and increase sales in your store.


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